Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Review Chapter 644

Awwwww can’t you just feel the father-son love fest kicking into high gear? My feels = OVER 9000!!!!

So this chapter opens up with our dynamic Kurama-jinjuuriki duo charging up each other by way of fist bumping. As it was explained last chapter, Naruto has a plan to save the Alliance trapped inside Juubito’s barrier, but to accomplish it he will need the complete Yin & Yang chakra of Kurama as well as his father’s expertise.

As their fist bump connects, we see how this physical contact between Naruto and Minato is acting as a chakra puzzle piece, unlocking the full power of Kurama sealed between them. However, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this interesting visual “puzzle piece” analogy used to represent the molding of chakra, as it originally served to explain Naruto’s ability to protect everyone in Kyuubi Chakra Cloaks. The important thing to remember is that manipulating chakra in this way is extremely difficult and speaks to both Naruto and Minato’s advanced abilities.

As Kurama’s chakra is united once more, the scene transitions to the two parts of Kurama who now have the ability to communicate, with Light-Yang Kurama noting with relief how much Dark-Yin Kurama’s presence saves their butts, to which the latter humbly replies he is merely a part of their greater whole. Looking down at the father and son duo below them, Dark-Yin Kurama can’t help draw a similar parallel between Minato and Naruto.

On the battlefield, Obito observes what is transpiring with a curious eye as the Dark Energy enveloping his body continues to enclose him in a protective sphere, while the four flowers of the Juubi Tree begin charging up four massive BIJUU BOMBS. The surviving members of the Shinobi Alliance can only analyze the situation somberly with Shikamaru quickly noting the similarities - and thus impenetrability - of the barrier they are trapped in to the impressive one the Hokage erected earlier.

The scene refocuses back on Minato and Naruto as Sasuke voices the question that is on all of our minds, namely, what exactly does Naruto have planned?? In response, Naruto’s brow furrows in concentration while Minato takes a moment to really look at his son, at how physically powerful and resourceful he has become. Thinking to some of his final memories of Kushina lying next to infant Naruto, Minato cannot help wondering if his wife was able to share in the bittersweet joy of seeing their son so mature. And with this thought follows feelings of guilt at not being present in Naruto’s life to help him through the hardships that gave birth to the hero Konoha has come to recognize.

Of course, being connected to his dad, Naruto is aware of the thoughts passing through Minato’s mind and before Minato can become too sentimental, Naruto focuses him back to the task at hand as suddenly Kyuubi Cloaks rage to life over the other members of the Alliance. As everyone marvels at how much more powerful these Cloaks appear to be, Sakura informs us that she sensed their presence as she healed people and confirms that they never truly deactivated making it easy for Naruto to reignite them.

With time to act drawing to a close, Jugo quickly approaches Sasuke to formulate a plan to escape, suggesting his leader employ a summoning jutsu.

But before Sasuke can move forward, Naruto tells his recovered friend to instead accept a Kyuubi Cloak as well, to which Sasuke’s reply is questioning, but with little time to spare he decides to put his faith in Naruto, an important moment to note as it reveals how much Sasuke recognizes Naruto as a capable shinobi and trustworthy leader.

As Hashirama takes in the Kyuubi Cloaks protecting the Alliance, he notes that Naruto’s ability to project this much chakra suggests the young Uzumaki’s power is comparable to his own legendary amount. Though after consideration, Hashi notes that Naruto is also making use of Kurama’s chakra, suggesting that Naruto isn’t quite at Hashirama’s level yet after all, but the fact that he is close is still impressive.

Obito decides to give whatever Naruto is planning little credit as he finishes curling up in his black blankie, which is symbolic of the darkness he chooses to loose himself in. As he bids the world “disappear” the four Juubi Flowers release their explosives.

The barrier expands and contracts dynamically to compensate the massive energy blasts, which are directed harmlessly into the sky, and as the smoke clears and Obito releases himself from his Dark Energy, it becomes apparent to his trap was ineffective. As the Alliance realizes and marvels at how they were quickly transported to safety outside of the barrier, it is clear that Minato accomplished this by used the Flying Thundergod Technique. Though Minato remains humble to the praise he receives from Tobirama and Gyuuki, Naruto’s expression makes it clear he is as proud of his old man as Minato is of him.

At this point, Jugo begins the questioning process that leads to the explanation of what exactly transpired to save the Alliance. Though Naruto himself is not very good at explaining the process as usual, with the help of his dad he gets across that it was through the combination of his, Minato’s and Kurama’s chakra. For a specific explanation, Tobirama steps in to clarify that by sharing his chakra with the Alliance, Naruto was in essence turning each member into a “clone,” thus linking them to him. And since Naruto was also connected to Minato, this linked the Alliance to his dad as well, thus allowing the Yellow Flash to transport them all to safety using the Flying Thundergod Technique. It is the exact combo that Minato used to rescue Naruto and Sasuke from Obito slamming their brains out only moments early, taken to the next level.

As Minato watches Tobirama and Naruto’s exchange with amusement, he thinks back to the moment only a short while ago of Naruto explaining his plan to save the Alliance, during which they have a touching exchange when Minato begins to lament about wanting more time to spend with Naruto to express his feelings. Naruto, however, is quick to reassure his old man that he already knows how much Minato loves him with only a glance, just as he knows how much Kushina loves him from his previous in depth conversation with her chakra. In this way, Naruto’s encounter with his parents mimics the moments before their death to which Minato thinks back to, as at that time Kushina conveyed all their wishes, while Minato spoke little but still express much, and as the chapter closes out we see Minato’s eyes begin to mist over with emotion at Naruto’s warm smile.

Overall, this chapter featured pretty straightforward action that built upon jutsu and cleverness we were shown earlier in the story, but though there were no real surprises, the wow factor of the BIJUU BOMBS and the tender moments between Naruto and Minato lent it substance and served to highlight Naruto’s maturity. The Hashirama-Naruto parallel have been pretty apparent already, but this chapter reminded us of them once more and lent us perspective on Naruto’s current power level. Though he may not be able to articulate how a jutsu works like Tobirama can, Naruto’s ability to let his instincts guide him has always been one of his charming traits and I can’t wait to see what his next power up will be!! Perhaps a new chakra jacket is in order…?

Now that the set up and the action for this scene has passed, in many ways we are left to think, what’s next?? I doubt Hashirama and Madara - our most awesome players on the field - have been erased permanently by the BIJUU BOMBS like Minato’s arm, so when they regenerate will Maddy continue to stall his rival? Or will he play his mysterious trump card?? There doesn’t appear to be any reason why Obito needs to kill off Naruto and friends to activate the Infinitue Tsukuyomi, unless perhaps it will take time to power up. Will he turn his focus to that or wait till midnight when it’s October 10th to makes things that much more symbolic for everyone? The door is open for anything to happen next!

I give this chapter a RATING of:

We got some nice fireworks and some great teamwork from Minato and Naruto that warmed our hearts, but there was nothing truly new or surprising about the action taking place. Tobirama injected some humor that was enjoyable but overall this chapter felt like a stepping stone for more dramatic things to come! Hello Kage???


Hiruzen is randomly missing because he’s old, got lost, and just decided to take a nap. You know, old people problems.

Juubito will begin preparations for the Infinite Tsukuyomi - but perhaps this will be the opportunity Madara’s been waiting for to make his next move.

Madara will finally get a goddamn flashback. Come on Kishi we’re waiting!!! T_T

Till next week!!

Review DONEby our admin missART

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